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Monday, 31 December 2018
Friday, 22 December 2017
Share | Market | Trading | Business |
In financial markets, a share is a unit of account for various investments. It often means the stock of a corporation, but is also used for collective investments such as mutual funds, limited partnerships, and real estate investment trusts.Index
Index is a statistical aggregate that measures change.All Index are not same; they can be differentiated based on countries, the market cap of stocks they cover or even how any stock will become part of Index.
A stock is a general term used to describe the ownership certificates of any company. Holding a particular company's share makes you a shareholder.
Full Form of Sensex is Sensitive Index. Sensex is the stock market index of the BSE- Bombay Stock Exchange/ BSE Sensex.
Nifty is an index of top 50 companies traded on the National Stock Exchange (NSE)
Coverage: 50 stocks
Established in 1995
Located in New Delhi
Sensex stands for Sensitive Index
Sensex is an index of top 30 companies traded on the Bombay Stock Exchange
Coverage: 30 stocks
Thursday, 14 December 2017
Wednesday, 13 December 2017
APP's You have to Reformat
Most Dangerous Apps | Beware of it
According to Intelligence Bureau(IB) believes these Chinese apps are detrimental to "Data Security" and a threat to "National Security"
India's premier intelligence bureau has told the Government that military personnel who are already using it should Immediately uninstall the app and "Reformat their cellphones as per strict compliance".
App's List are as follow as;1. Mi store
2. Mi video call-xiaomi.
3. Mi community
4. Truecaller
5. Uc news
6. Uc browser
7. Beautyplus
8. Newsdog
9. Viva video –qu video inc
10. Parallel space
11. Apus browser
12. Perfect corp
13. Virus cleaner
14. Cm browser
15. Shareit
16. 360 security
17. Vault hide-nq mobile security
18. Youcam makeup
19. Weibo
20. Cache cleaner –du apps studio
21. Du battery saver
22. Du cleaner
23. Du privacy
24. Du recorder
25. Du browser
26. Clean master-cheetah mobile
27. Baidu translate
28. Baidu map
29. Wonder camera-baidu inc
30. Es file explorer
31. Photo wonder
32. Qq international
33. Qq music
34. Qq mail
35. Qq player
36. Qq newsfeed
37. Qq launcher
38. Qq security centre
39. Selfie city
40. Mail master
41. Wes ync
Saturday, 2 December 2017
Tuesday, 28 November 2017
Hyderabad Metro City | All about Metro ||
Its time to "SAVE TIME"
Is traffic will reduce ?
Ya ofcourse it 'll be
Total Length(km) of Metro Line - 72km
Total Metro Stations - 66
Total Corridors - 3
1. Miyapur – LB Nagar : 29 kms; Stations - 27 {Green Line}2. JBS – Falaknuma : 15 kms; Stations - 15 {Blue Line}
3. Nagole – Shilparamam /Raidurg : 28 kms; Stations - 24 {Red Line} Completed and Successfully Running Line - Miyapur - (Via)Ameerpet -Nagole | Length - 30Km | Total Stations - 24. Trails by Metro:
Total trail runs - 3 Lakhs kilometers
1st trail run completed on 7th Aug. 2014 from Nagole line upto 3Km.On 2015 24
On 16th Aug 2016 trail started from Nagole and ended at Miyapur Via SRnagar.
Metro is intiated in the year of 2010 by Govt. of Konijeti Rosaiah(Ex.CM).
Ground breaking ceremony is done On 26th April 2016. In 2012 July 5th Govt. make an appointdate with L&T to under take the METRO PROJECT. In the appointdate they decided to complete the metro project with in 5 years i.e,2017. Due to many land recovery and route alignment problems only 30km of metro line is successfully completed till now.
First and most Govt. alloted 104acres land in Uppal to L&T(Larsen & Toubro) Company. In 104 acres L&T constructed a metro depot and "Operation command control center" from here the metro train operations can be operate by their departments.(Over 57 runs can be operate)
Tuesday, 21 November 2017
Worthless Human Body Parts - Had a purpose..??
The tailbone or coccyx is what you have left of the tail your evolutionary ancestors used to help them balance when they lived in the trees. You had a tail once, in fact — we all did. During early development in the womb, the human embryo actually has a tail. The body eventually absorbs it, although in rare cases; babies can be born with the tail still intact.2.Goosebumps
If you've ever wondered why you get goosebumps when you're chilly even though they don't seem to make you any warmer, here's your answer: they're a reflex left over from when your ancestors had fur. Goosebumps are a result of arrector pili, muscles that contract involuntarily when you're cold or experiencing heightened emotions. Those contractions make your body hair stand up straight, and if that body hair was thicker and longer, it could help insulate you or make you look larger to an adversary.
3.Wisdom Teeth
Your first set of molars ;usually come in when you're about six years old, your second set when you're about 12, and your third molars — what people call wisdom teeth — when you reach your twenties. Wisdom teeth can come in in a lot of strange ways: sometimes they come in just fine, other times they get "impacted" or blocked from coming in all the way, and some never come in at all.
Because there are people who have wisdom teeth that work just fine, this one is technically a gray area when it comes to vestigial structures. But those extra molars were definitely more useful for our primate ancestors than they are for us today, since we can receive all our necessary nutrition through Slurpees and Go-gurt.
The appendix is usually the first trait people point to when they talk about vestigial structures, but we have news for those people: scientists think your appendix probably still has a function.It's evolved many, many times in different mammal species, which suggests it's pretty useful. Because its evolution usually comes with immunity-boosting lymph tissue and people who have their appendix removed are more likely to suffer from bacterial infections, all signs point to the likelihood that the appendix does something for your immune system. Just because we don't know why something exists doesn't mean it's useless!
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Its time to "SAVE TIME" Is traffic will reduce ? Ya ofcourse it 'll be Total Length(km) of Metro Line - 72km Total ...
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